Newsletter – Sunday 10th August

Drum Mass Intentions
Saturday 9th 8pm: Katie Nolan, Doohan
Sunday 10th 10am: Maureen Killian, Crancam
Thursday 14th 8pm: Lily Devine
Friday 15th 10am: Mass for Holyday of Obligation
Saturday 16th 12pm: Dan Dolan (Months Mind)
Sunday 17th 10am: Williwm, Bridie & Kathleen Ward, Clonark

Clonown Mass Intentions
Sunday 10th 11am: Kieran Dunning & granddaughter Hannah Rose Martin
Friday 15th 11am: Ned & Mary Egan, Callowbeg
Sunday 17th 11am: Margaret Dunning

Cemetry Masses
– Cornamagh cemetry, Sunday 10th August at 4pm.
– Clonown cemetry, Friday 15th August at 8pm.
– Coosan cemetry, Sunday 17th August at 4pm.

Thank You
Lourdes Invalid Fund would like to thank most sincerely all who contributed to their recent Church Gate Collections. The total amount raised was €3,456. Your support is greatly appreciated.

Drum Autumn Station Mass
If you are having or would like to rekindle the tradition of the Station Mass in your area, please contact Drum Parish Office at 090-6437125 between 9.30am-1.30pm Monday -Friday to arrange a date and time to suit you.

Lay Ministry
Are you interested in reading or becoming a Minister of the Eucharist in Drum? Fr. Ray would be most grateful if you could contact him or Cathriona at the office at 6437125.


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