Newsletter – Sunday 19th October

Drum Mass Intentions
Saturday 18th 8pm: Kate, Michael & Kieran Dunning, Drumlosh
Sunday 19th 10am: Martin McManus, Clonrulla
Tuesday 21st 7pm: Anthony McManus, Ardnanure
Wednesday 22nd 7pm: Patrick Caulfield, Summerhill
Thursday 23rd 7pm: Crannaghmore Station Mass: Breege & Tom O’Connor
Friday 24th 7pm: Tommy Murray, Ardkeenan (1st anniversary)
Friday 24th 8pm: Taylorstown Station Mass: Tony & Orla Flannery
Saturday 25th 10am: Johnstown, Nure & Drivera Station Mass: Matt & Jenny Shine
Saturday 25th 8pm: Jim & Mary Ward & deceased family members, Gorrynagowna
Sunday 26th 10am: Kathleen & Peter Watson, Kilmacormack

Clonown Mass Intentions
Sunday 19th 11am: Kate Dunning & deceased family members
Sunday 26th 11am: Laurence (Goss) & Rosie Shine and deceased family members

Thank You
Midland Simon Community would like to thank most sincerely all who supported their recent Coffee Morning. A total of €1200 was collected. Your generosity is greatly appreciated. A special word of thanks to Fr. John Coughlan for hosting the Coffee Morning.

Basic Food, Nutrition & Cookery Classes
Fetac Level 3 course in Monksland Community Centre, starting this Thursday from 10am – 12.30pm. Course will run for 25 weeks free of charge. Call 090-6634189 for more details.


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