Christmas Greetings from Drum

Christmas Greetings

My dear friends,

As Christmas approaches, I send warm greetings to everyone in the parish and to family members living elsewhere in Ireland or overseas. Once again, together we look forward to welcoming Christ the light of the world.

This sense of sharing the light of Christ is the inspiration behind this gift of a candle. The lighting of a candle and the sharing of a prayer around it on Christmas Eve is a beautiful way of expressing the hope, the welcome and the unity that Christ brings.

In a society that too often leaves people feeling isolated and excluded, the need to offer a word of encouragement and invitation was never more important. I hope that the simple gift of a candle will be a sign of support and solidarity, particularly if your experience of Christmas is a difficult one.

in every gesture of welcome, every encounter, every act of friendship, we meet the Lord himself. In reaching out to newcomers to the Parish, to the young and to those who do not have close contact with the Church, we are welcoming Christ in a special way into our lives. This Christmas, may we see Christ in one another and discover the fullness of his love for us all.

Fr. Ray

A Word of Gratitude

At this time of year we exchange gifts and presents as a sign of appreciation for one another. It is time to say “thanks”. I take this opportunity to thank most sincerely all who contribute to the life of the parish.

Many people in various ways,give of themselves to help meet the needs of our parish. I am truly grateful to the individuals and groups that fulfil any role in the Church and the community:-
Sacristan, Parish Secretaries, Caretaker, FÁS Supervisor, Altar Society, Choir, Readers, Eucharistic Ministers, Altar Servers, Area Collectors/Distributors and School Staff – Teachers, Secretaries, Caretakers and may more who help our children.

I applaud all the voluntary groups responding to the needs of our community. Keep up the good work and thanks to all once again.

Fr. Ray

Some interesting facts about our Church
In 2008, we had

  • 35 Baptisms
  • 49 First Communicants
  • 36 Confirmations
  • 15 Marriages
  • 18 Funerals

We have over 700 households in the Drum area.

Christmas Schedule for Drum

  • Christmas Eve – Wednesday 24th December – Vigil Mass at 9pm
  • Christmas Day – Thursday 25th December – Masses at 10am and 12 noon.
  • St. Stephen’s Day – Friday 26th December – Mass at 11am
  • Saturday 27th – Vigil Mass at 8pm
  • Sunday 28th – Mass at 10am
  • Tuesday 30th – Mass at 11am
  • Wednesday 31st – Mass at 11am
  • Thursday 1st – Mass at 11am
  • Friday 2nd – Mass at 11am

A Candle in the Window

Lighting a candle on Christmas Eve and placing it in the window of the home is an ancient Irish tradition. It is a special moment when the family can gather around and offer a prayer together. The custom is for the youngest member of the family to be given the honour of lighting the candle.

Placing a candle in the window signifies a willingness to light the way to Bethlehem. The hopeful glow in so many windows in the towns and townlands where we live is always an uplifting scene on Christmas Eve.

The candle in the window connects us with a great tradition of hospitality that is both spiritual and practical. Christ was the unknown guest that could arrive in any form or guise. In Penal times, a candle in the window was a signal to any priest seeking shelter and protection that he was welcome in that house and it was safe to say Mass there.

In modern times, the candle that was placed in the window in Áras an Uachtaráin symbolised a remembrance of all those away from home, along with asking the Lord’s protection on family and friends who have emigrated, we also offer a prayer for those newly arrived to our parish from overseas and from elsewhere in the country.

Safety warning: Candles should be placed in a suitable container on a level, heat-resistant surface, away from draughts, flammable objects, children and pets. Do not move or leave unattended when lit.


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