Easter and Holy Week Ceremonies

St. Brigid’s Church, Drum
Thursday 8pm: HOLY THURDSAY
Friday 3pm: GOOD FRIDAY
Saturday 8pm: HOLY SATURDAY
Sunday 10am: EASTER SUNDAY

Church of Our Lady of the Wayside, Clonown
Thursday 8pm: HOLY THURDSAY
Friday 3pm: GOOD FRIDAY
Saturday 8pm: HOLY SATURDAY
Sunday 11am: EASTER SUNDAY

Ss. Peter & Paul’s Church, Athlone
Monday 6th April
-7.30pm: Penitential Service
Holy Thursday

-9.30am: Morning Prayer of the Church
-5.00pm: Mass (involving all the schools of the Parish) including mime of the last supper
-8.00pm: Evening Mass with procession and washing of the feet. Adoration after ceremony until 12 midnight.
-10.00pm: Holy Hour of Silent Prayer.
Good Friday
-9.30am: Morning Prayer of the Church
-12 noon: Outdoor Stations of the Cross through the streets of Athlone starting at St. Mary’s Church and finishing at Ss. Peter & Paul’s Church.
-3.00pm: Celebration of the Lord’s Passion
-7.30pm: Silent prayer around the Cross.
Holy Saturday
-9.30am: Morning Prayer of the Church
-10.00am to 7.00pm: Confessions all day
-9.00pm: Vigil Mass
Easter Sunday
-9.00am: Mass
-10.30am: Mass
-12 noon: Mass

Easter Greetings!
Thank you for your ongoing support and participation in the life of the Parish.
The Priests of the Parish wish you Peace and Joy this Easter and invite you and your families to share in the Parish Holy Week Ceremonies.
We look forward to seeing you.

Click here to download the Easter leaflet as a PDF or visit www.drum.ie/parish


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