Halla Naomh Seosamh, Mainistir na Buaille, 14 Nollaig 2009 ag tosnú ag 7.15p.m.
Annual Convention 2010
St. Joseph’s Hall, Boyle, Monday 14th December 2009 at 7.15p.m.
An Clár
- Reception of delegates and adoption of Standing Orders
- Minutes of 2009 Convention
- Motai
- Chairman’s Address
- Election of Officers
- Secretary’s Report
- Auditor’s Report and Balance Sheet
- Minor Board Report
- Hurling Board Report
- Physical Planning & Development Committee
- Cultural Officer’s Report
- Handball Report
- Coaching Officer’s Report
- Fix latest date for Affiliations
- Revision of Bye-laws
- Moltai
- Appointment of Delegates to Connacht Convention.
Standing Orders for Convention
In order that the proceedings of the Convention be carried out without delay, the following Standing Orders will be observed:
- The proposer of a resolution or of an amendment thereto may speak for five minutes.
- A delegate speaking to a resolution or an amendment must not exceed three minutes.
- The proposer of a resolution or amendment may speak a second time for three minutes before a vote is taken, but no other delegate may speak a second time to the same resolution or amendment.
- Chairman may at any time he considers a matter has been sufficiently discussed call on a proposer for a reply, and when that has been given, a vote must be taken.
- A delegate may, with the consent of the Chairman move “That the question be now put”, after which when the proposer has spoken, a vote must be taken.
- Standing Orders shall not be suspended for the purpose of considering a matter not on the agenda except by the consent of a majority equal to two-thirds of those present and entitled to vote.