Newsletter – Sunday 7th February 2010

Drum Mass Intentions
Saturday 6th 8pm: Joseph Duignan, Clonellan
Sunday 7th 10am: Judith Townsend
Friday 12th 7pm: Margaret Mulvey, Johnstown (Month’s Mind)
Saturday 13th 11am: Una Naughton, Clonark (Month’s Mind)
Saturday 13th 8pm: Patrick & Kathleen O’Neill and deceased family members, Mountflorence
Sunday 14th 10am: Michael Hynes, Drumlosh

Clonown Mass Intentions
Sunday 7th 11am: John Dunning
Sunday 14th 11am: Willie & Tommy Ward, Curnaboll

Important Notice
Please note that due to renovations at Clonown Church, mass will be held in Clonown Community Centre until further notice.

Drum Parish Hall
Hall has been newly renovated to the highest standard. The main hall and two meeting rooms are available for rent and use. There’s plenty of parking and the building is fully accessible. It is a fantastic facility and is there for our community to utilise. For bookings please contact Cathriona at Drum Parish Office at 090-6437125.

Anyone having/hosting the Spring Stations in the Drum area is kindly asked to please contact the Drum Parish Office at 6437125 to arrange a date and time. We thank those who have already booked and appreciate you taking the opportunity to have the Station Mass in your home.

Permanent Deaconate
Presentation on the history, restoration and contemporary evolution of the Permanent Deaconate will be given by Justin Harkin in Shamrock Lodge Hotel on Thursday, 11th February from 8-10pm. Likely to interest people who are active in parish life. €5 donation appreciated.

Supporting people affected by mental ill-health along with the Candlelight group offer WRAP training in the Family Resource Centre in Connaught Street, starting on Thursday 11th February at 7pm. Contact Catherine at 086-8525281 for details.

Clann na nGael Club Social & Buffet Dinner
In the Athlone Springs Hotel on Friday 12th February at 7.30pm. Entertainment on the night will be provided by Brendan Shine and his band. Special Guest will be Micheál Ó Muircheartaigh. Tickets €25 are available from Harney’s SPAR Cornafulla or any committee member.

Table Quiz
General knowledge table quiz for Habitat for Humanity will take place on Friday, 12th February in the Shamrock Lodge Hotel at 9pm. Teams of 4: €20. Raffle and spot prizes on the night. Michelle Keane from Bealnamulla is travelling to Bangladesh as part of the Habitat for Humanity Building Blitz. This quiz is part of her fundraising campaign and your support would be greatly appreciated.

Slim-A-Thon for Lent
Organised to raise money for Ss. Peter & Paul’s Church Maintenance Fund. Have you ever considered sponsorship to help you lose weight and raise vital funds for a very worthwhile cause? Open to anyone, so encourage your friends and family to join and help raise funds. The challenge begins with a weigh-in on Monday 15th February at Sheraton Hotel at 7pm. Weigh-in will be done in confidence and you will receive a free six week pass to the fitness centre at the Sheraton Hotel. Great prizes for the winners also. You can register at Parish Office or contact Karen Cunningham on 087-9480007.

Clann na nGael U-12 Ladies Training
Under 12 ladies indoor Gaelic Football training continues on Thursday nights from 8-9pm in Drum Community Centre. New members very welcome.

Aire Family Addiction Support Group
Provide advice, support and information for families who are affected by drugs or alcohol in Monksland Community Centre Mondays 10am-12pm.

Samaritans Information Day
For new volunteers on Sunday 7th February at 3pm at 3 Court Devenish (opposite Athlone Credit Union office). All welcome.

Adult Education
Evening Classes at Athlone Community College. Enrolment takes place on Monday 8th and Tuesday 9th February from 7.30-9pm.

Relic of St. Peregrene
Patron Saint of Cancer. Relic will be in Taughmaconnell Church on Thursday 11th February at 7.30pm Mass. For further information contact 090-9683756.


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