Drum Mass Intentions
Saturday 20th 8pm: Frank Lennon, Creggane
Sunday 21st 10am: John Brien, Creggane
Tuesday 23rd 7pm: Johnny Dunning Senior, Ardkeenan
Wednesday 24th 7pm: Hubert Macken, Lisdillure and parents William & Ellen
Thursday 25th 7pm: John (Cal) & Mary McManus, Nure
Friday 26th 11am: Gorrynagowna Station Mass in the home of Ann & Tommy Gaffey
Friday 26th 7pm: Tommy & Mary Moran
Saturday 27th 11am: Clonark Station Mass in the home of Jimmy & Kathleen Kennedy
Saturday 27th 8pm: Jimmy Henry
Sunday 28th 10am: Johnny Naughton, Clonellan
Clonown Mass Intentions
Sunday 21st 11am: Johnny Hynes, Curnaboll
Sunday 28th 11am: Willie & Nellie Shine, Curnaboll
Important Notice
Please note that due to renovations at Clonown Church, mass will be held in Clonown Community Centre until further notice.
Drum Cemetery Voluntary Group
You may have noticed the tremendous work that has been carried out by our renewly formed Voluntary Group in our local graveyard. There has been a notable improvement already. Well done to all concerned and keep up the great work. Thanks also to our two Leader workers for their continued hard work at Drum Cemetery. Over the coming weeks, they will be asking for your help by way of a voluntary contribution to cover the costs involved and to help us continue with this worthwhile project. Envelopes will be distributed to all houses in the parish and we would ask you for your support. Envelopes also available at back of Church or contact the Drum Parish Office at 090-6437125.
Sincere Thanks
Ss. Peter & Paul’s Parish Finance Committee would like to sincerely thank all who bought tickets for the church maintenance fund monster draw, which will take place in Ráth Cairn, Co. Meath on Friday next, 26th February at 3pm. Thanks to all who sold tickets and who helped in any way to make this particular fund-raising effort such a success. The final meeting of ticket sellers will be held in the Parish Centre on Wednesday 24th February at 8.30pm. All outstanding tickets, including unsold tickets, must be returned to this meeting.
Elphin Diocesan Lourdes Pilgrimage Invalid Fund
Fund-raising will take place in the Abbey Hotel, Roscommon on Monday 1st March at 9pm.
Trócaire Lenten Campaign
Envelopes containing Trócaire Fast Boxes are available at the back of the churches. Every home is asked to bring one and support this worthy cause.
Fairtrade Fortnight
From Monday 22nd February to Friday 5th March. Please consider swapping your cuppa for a fair-trade cuppa and help give a better deal for developing countries. Look out for the fair-trade display in Golden Island Shopping Centre.
Athlone Branch Irish Wheelchair Association A.G.M.
Takes place on Tuesday 23rd February in the Shamrock Lodge Hotel at 9pm. New members/volunteers welcome.
Athlone Film Club presents ‘Modern Life’
In the Dean Crowe Theatre on Tuesday 23rd February at 8pm.
Athlone Toastmasters
Public speaking night on Tuesday 23rd February at Prince of Wales Hotel at 8.30pm.
Dean Kelly Reunion Committee
Meeting will be held in the Shamrock Lodge Hotel on Wednesday 24th February. Please bring your stories for our book.
Passionfruit Theatre presents ‘Thali’
Five piece Swiss jazz & world music on Friday 26th February at 8.30pm.Tickets €15, €10 concession. Phone 086-3338457.
Athlone Little Theatre
Presents the hilarious comedy “I Do Not Like Thee Dr. Fell” from Sunday 28th February to Friday 5th March.
5k Flood Relief Fun Run
Rescheduled for Sunday 28th February at 12noon sharp. The race will start and end at Athlone Regional Sports Centre.
Start something new this Lent
Consider committing to one hour of prayer per week before the Blessed Sacrament and keep it on after Easter! Contact the Liturgical Centre, Castle St. Athlone 090-6498755.