Newsletter – Sunday 28th February 2010

Drum Mass Intentions
Saturday 27th 8pm: Jimmy Henry
Sunday 28th 10am: Johnny Naughton, Clonellan
Tuesday 2nd 7pm: Mary Griffin, Clonbulia
Wednesday 3rd 7pm: Johnny & Bridget Seery
Thursday 4th 7pm: Kathleen Greene, Doohan
Thursday 4th 8pm: Doohan Station Mass in the home of Marie & John Naughton
Friday 5th 10am: Crannaghmore Station Mass in the home of Mary & James O’Neill
Friday 5th 7pm: John, Ellie & Tom McManus, Nure
Friday 5th 8pm: Thomastown Station Mass in the home of Emer & Paul Glynn
Saturday 6th 8pm: Brian Devine
Sunday 7th 10am: Mary Anne & Thomas Harney, Doohan

Clonown Mass Intentions
Sunday 28th 11am: Willie & Nellie Shine, Curnaboll
Friday 5th 8pm: Jack Dunning
Sunday 7th 11am: Bridie & Martin Shine, Drumlosh

Rest in Peace
Mary Dolan, USA and formerly of Newtown, Drum
Maureen Galvin (nee Kilroy), Manchester, sister of Pat Michael Martin, Clonbulia
Ar dheis Dé go raibh a n-anam

Drum I.C.A.
Monthly meeting takes place in Drum Community Centre on Tuesday 2nd March at 8.30pm. All members please attend.

Drum & Clonown Community Games
We urge parents to encourage their children to get involved in our local games. Some important dates for your diary:
– Tuesday 2nd March: Basketball – u13 & u16 girls. Venue: Drum Parish Hall at 7.30 pm to get together to form teams and organise training. We are grateful to the three people who have volunteered to coach the teams.
– Thursday 4th March: Table Tennis – boys and girls, under 13 and under 16. Venue: Clann na nGael Club house. Everyone interested please come along.
– Sunday 7th March: Table Quiz for boys and girls under 14. Venue: Drum Parish Hall at 6pm sharp.
Congratulations to our own Joanne Colgan (nee Bruce) who has won the Roscommon Sports Partnership Award for her tremendous contribution, dedication, commitment to Community Games Athletics. Well done Joanne.

Cornafulla N.S. Enrolment
Enrolment for Monsignor McCarthy Memorial National School, Cornafulla takes place in the school on Thursday next, 25th February from 6pm to 8pm for the school year commencing September 2010.

Drum Cemetery Voluntary Group
Seeking volunteers to work in the cemetery for the coming Saturdays from 11am to 3pm. All volunteers welcome. Thanks also to all who supported the voluntary contribution. Envelopes can be returned to Drum Church.

To all our parishioners who won prizes in the church maintenance fund monster draw, which took place last Friday in Ráth Cairn, Co. Meath. A total of 159 prizes, including the top two, came to this parish. A full list of the winners is available at the back of the church or on the Drum community website at The two local draws, with prizes totalling €6,000, will be held in the Shamrock Lodge Hotel on Friday 5th March at 8.30pm. Refreshments will be served and all are welcome.

Elphin Diocesan Lourdes Pilgrimage Invalid Fund
Fund-raising will take place in the Abbey Hotel, Roscommon on Monday 1st March at 9pm.

Variety Show
Comedy, Song & Dance in Moore Hall on 5th, 6th, 7th March at 8.30pm. Proceeds in aid St. Hilda’s School and Moore Community Funds. Please Support.

Fairtrade Fortnight
From Monday 22nd February to Friday 5th March. Please consider swapping your cuppa for a fair-trade cuppa and help give a better deal for developing countries. Look out for the fair-trade display in Golden Island Shopping Centre.

Athlone Little Theatre
Presents the hilarious comedy “I Do Not Like Thee Dr. Fell” from Sunday 28th February to Friday 5th March.

Cake Sale & Raffle
In aid of Clonown Church Restoration Fund will be held in Clonown Community Centre on St. Patrick’s Day, 17th March after 11am Mass. Please support.

Trócaire Lenten Campaign
Envelopes containing Trócaire Fast Boxes are available at the back of the churches. Every home is asked to bring one and support this worthy cause.

Second Collection
Ss. Peter & Paul’s Parish Finance Committee wish to thank all their parishioners for their generous contributions and support for the fundraising efforts for the renovation and painting of the church. In order to meet their future financial needs, the Parish Finance Committee has decided to introduce a second collection, commencing next weekend. It will be taken up after Holy Communion at each Vigil & Sunday mass. We live in difficult and challenging financial times for everyone, so it is important to point out that if anyone cannot afford to contribute to this collection for any reason, please do not feel burdened to contribute beyond your means. Thank you for your support – it is very much appreciated.


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