Drum Mass Intentions
Saturday 17th 8pm: Paul Delaney, Westwood
Sunday 18th 10am: Martin Nolan & grandparents Thomas & Margaret, Doohan
Saturday 24th 8pm: Patrick Higgins
Sunday 25th 10am: Michael McManus, Clonark
Clonown Mass Intentions
Sunday 18th 11am: Jimmy Dunning and his sister Maureen, Togher
Sunday 25th 11am: Willie Greene, Cappamore
Charlie Sean Nugent
Congratulations to his parents
Naíonra Réalta Geala
Pre-school based in Drum Community Centre, now taking bookings for Free Pre-School Child Places for September 2010. Open Monday to Friday 9.30am–12.30pm. Active learning using the High Scope Pre-School Curriculum. For further information contact Catherine at 086-0641910 or 090-6437411.
Drum Branch Apostolic Workers
Annual Church Gate Collection at Drum Church next weekend 24th and 25th July. Please support our missionaries at work in foreign countries.
Cash For Clobber
Clothing collection and recycling scheme to raise vital funds. The Club will receive €4 for ever bag collected. All types of clothing, shoes, bags, bed linen, curtains etc. can be donated. Contact Sean Murray samurray4@yahoo.com or at 0879573759 or any committee member. All Bags will be collected in Johnstown from Friday 23rd July to Monday 26th July.
Cloonakilla Monastic Site
Annual Mass will be held on Sunday 25th July at 3pm. All welcome.
Euro Festival Athlone
Volunteers required. Festival runs from Saturday 24th to Friday 30th July 2010. Contact 090-6442100.
An Afternoon of Nostalgia with Sid Shine
Renowned bandleader of The Crescent Ballroom from 1930s onwards, will celebrate his 90th birthday and will meet his friends from former days on Sunday 25th July at 4.30pm at the Shamrock Lodge Hotel.
Elphin Diocesan Pilgrimage to Knock
Annual Pilgrimage takes place on Sunday 15th August during the Novena. Ceremonies began at 2.30pm with Anointing of the Sick followed by Concelebrated Mass at 3pm. Come and join us in this year’s Pilgrimage and give all your family a new memory of Knock Shrine.
Drum Cemetery Voluntary Group
Wish to thank all who contributed to the successful completion of hase One of the cleanup of the Cemetery. Our aim for the summer is to maintain an Environmentally Friendly Cemetery. We ask you to help in this matter by removing all surplus materials (gravel, dead flowers, rubbish, etc) as Roscommon County Council has had to abandon this service.