Newsletter – Sunday 26th December 2010

Lá Fhéile Stiofáin
St. Stephen’s Day

Féile an Teaghlaigh Naofa
Feast of the Holy Family

Drum Mass Intentions
Saturday 25th 10am: Christmas Day Mass
Saturday 25th 12pm: Christmas Day Mass
Sunday 26th 10am: St. Stephen’s Day – John O’Neill, Clonellan
Sunday 26th 12pm: St. Stephen’s Day – Tommy Harney, Curraghaleen
Monday 27th 11am: P.J. & Eileen McEvilly, Johnstown
Tuesday 28th 11am: Thomas & Winifred Higgins, Ardkeenan
Wednesday 29th 11am: Tom, Jim & Lil Hynes, Johnstown
Thursday 30th 11am: Colm Kennedy & his grandparents Bill & Mamie
Friday 31st 11am: Mary & Patrick Higgins, Ardkeenan
Saturday 1st 8pm: Nancy & Martin Mulvey, Johnstown
Sunday 2nd 10am: Bríd Shine

Clonown Mass Intentions
Saturday 25th 11am: Christmas Day Mass
Sunday 26th 11am: St. Stephen’s Day – John Dunning and Michael & Delia Dunning, The Park
Sunday 2nd 11am: Mass

To Fr. Eamon Kelly who celebrated his Golden Jubilee on 21st December last. Mass and function to celebrate his jubilee will take place on 14th January 2011. Further details to follow at a later date.

Shannonside Cycling Club
Are hosting a Fresh Start Leisure Cycle on New Year’s Day, starting at 12pm from the Bounty (weather permitting). Route is 10km on a flat, quiet and marshalled route. Refreshments provided. Shower and changing facilites available. Safety tips and advice offered on the day. Helmets are compulsory. Young and old welcome, families included. Cost is €5 per person or €10 per family. Check or contact Deirdre on 086-4039382.

Christmas Greetings
The priests of the parish wish all our parishioners, and all who attend masses in Ss. Peter & Paul’s Church, St. Brigid’s Church, Drum and Our Lady of the Wayside Church, Clonown, a very happy, holy Christmas and a peaceful new year.


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