Drum Mass Intentions
Saturday 2nd 8pm: Micko McManus, Cornafulla South
Sunday 3rd 10am: Lena Murray, Clonellan
Tuesday 5th 7pm: Catherine Higgins
Wednesday 6th 7pm: Gerry Devine, Ardkeenan
Thursday 7th 7pm: Annie Kenny, Taylortsown (Month’s mind)
Friday 8th 7pm: Maureen Griffin and Sarah Kelly, Creagh, Bealnamulla
Friday 8th 8pm: Clonrulla, Curraghaleen & Ardnanure Station Mass in the home of Denis McManus
Saturday 9th 10am: Drivera, Nure & Johnstown Station Mass in the home of Martina & Michael Campion
Saturday 9th 8pm: Baby Seán McManus, Curraghaleen
Sunday 10th 10am: Mattie Redmond
Clonown Mass Intentions
Sunday 3rd 11am: Kieran & Annie Hynes, Curraghnaboll
Sunday 10th 11am: Joe & Ned Roche
Clann na nGael
U8 & U10 outdoor training for both boys and girls will take place at 10.15am in Johnstown for a couple of weeks. Sorry for any inconvenience. New members welcome.
Drum Cemetery Voluntary Group
Work in the cemetery has recommenced. Volunteers welcome to join in the work on Saturdays at 10am for the coming weeks.
Drum I.C.A.
Monthly meeting will take place in Drum Community Centre on Tuesday 5th April at 8.30pm. All member requested to attend.
Clonown 10k
Clonown Community Development are holding a 10k run and walk on Sunday 10th April at 3pm commencing at Clonown Community Centre. Refreshments served afterwards in the centre. For further information or to collect a sponsorship card, contact Ann Dunning 087-2261096 or Paul Curley 086-3349585.
Charity Fashion Show
In aid of Drum Community Care will be held in the Athlone Springs Hotel on Thursday 14th April at 8pm. Please support.
Athlone Sub Aqua Club
Annual church gate collection will take place on Saturday 9th & Sunday 10th. Your continued support is important and very much appreciated.
Bealnamulla Ladies’ Soccer Club
Table quiz on Thursday 7th April at 9pm in The Mill bar, Bealnamulla. Please support.
Tax Relief for Donations
During the coming weeks, Drum Parish will be contacting parishioners who are PAYE taxpayers and who contributed €250 or more to St. Brigid’s Church, Drum during 2010. If you do not receive the relevant documentation and feel that you qualift, please contact Cathriona at 090-6437125.
Lenten Reflections
Every Wednesday during Lent at 8pm in Monksland Community Centre.
Parish Pilgrimage to Medjugorje
From 25th June to 2nd July. Spiritual Director: Fr. John McManus. Group leader: Gerry Kinneavy. Cost €599. Single room supplement: €120 extra. For bookings contact 087-2249621 / 090-6492045 / 087-2936933.