Elphin Diocesan Substance Misuse Seminar

Elphin Diocese invites you to the launch of their Substance Misuse Initiative by Bishop Jones in the Shannon Key West Hotel, Roosky on Tuesday 12th at 7.30pm. This evening will be of great interest to individuals, parents, education and all communities who wish to hear how we can all help play a pivotal role in helping to prevent substance misuse in our families or communities. If you require any further information, do not hesitate to contact me

Why consider attending?
Alcohol and other drugs affect every village, town parish in Ireland. These affects an impact on individuals, families, schools and our parish communities. Our Initiative currently works with over 200 parishes nationwide in creating pastoral responses with other service providers to help in the primary and secondary prevention of substance misuse. We can all play our part, we are now launching in the North West Region.

Events happening in Parishes

  • Awareness & Information: We give all in attendance at the seminar a prevention pack that includes, posters, directory of services, books, information for parents/schools and information to use for parish and liturgies.
  • Education & Training: We facilitate the provision of substance use information/awareness nights for parents and communities. We provide a youth Peer 4 Peer Programme, Confirmation Healthy Life Choices programme that links in with the Sacrament of Confirmation (with new ideas on pledge). We also facilitate training for communities in the area of Suicide.
  • Alternative Activities to avoid substance misuse: We have worked with many parishes in creating alternative activities to substance misuse. These include youth café, youth clubs, No name Clubs, Alcohol free events etc
  • Community Mobilization to Support: We have over 100 parishes nationwide that have formed committees that look at the needs of their communities and have created responses that link with – prevention, evangelisation, building communities, reaching out to those affected and much more.

On the evening of the 12th April you will hear from the coordinator of the initiative, key speakers including the North West Regional Drug Task Force, parishes involved in our initiative, regional family support services and much more. We encourage clergy, parents, youth workers or those with an interest to attend and become aware of this very worthwhile initiative that is becoming available to all parishes in the Elphin Diocese. We would ask you to kindly book places by contacting John Taffe at 086-8611531 or 01-5053099 or contact him by email at ibdi@iecon.ie

Further information: www.catholicbishops.ie/drugs

John Taaffe, National Coordinator, Pastoral Response to Substance Misuse, Irish Bishops’ Drugs Initiative, Columba Centre, Maynooth, Co. Kildare.


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