Domhnach na Pailme agus An tSeachtain Mhór
Palm Sunday and Holy Week
Drum Mass Intentions
Saturday 16th 8pm: Tom Connor, Clonark and deceased members of the Connor & Allen families
Sunday 17th 10am: Joe Lennon, Ardkeenan
Tuesday 19th 7pm: Máirtín Kelly, Clonbulia (Month’s Mind)
Thursday 21st 8pm: Holy Thursday – Our Lord’s Supper
Friday 22nd 3pm: Good Friday – Passion of Our Lord
Friday 22nd 7.30pm: Stations of the Cross
Saturday 23rd 8pm: Holy Saturday – Easter Vigil
Sunday 24th 10am: Easter Sunday
Clonown Mass Intentions
Sunday 17th 11am: Ann & Tom O’Brien
Thursday 21st 8pm: Holy Thursday – Our Lord’s Supper
Friday 22nd 3pm: Good Friday – Passion of Our Lord
Saturday 23rd 8pm: Holy Saturday – Easter Vigil
Sunday 24th 11am: Easter Sunday – John & Ellen Shine, Buggane
Penitential Rite
On Monday 18th April at 7.30pm in Ss. Peter & Paul’s Church. A number of priests will be available for individual confession.
Chrism Mass
A special celebration in the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Sligo on Wednesday 20th April at 7.30pm. During the mass, Bishop Christopher Jones will bless the oils used in the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Orders and the Sick. Light refreshments served afterwards in the Gillooly Hall.
Easter Envelopes and Easter Cards
Will be distributed to each home in the parish during the coming week by your local area collector/distributor. Your continued generosity is greatly appreciated.
Progressive 25 Card Game
In aid of the missions on Monday 18th March at 9pm in Clann na nGael Clubhouse, Johnstown. Great food hampers to be won on the night. Your support would be greatly appreciated.
Easter Bingo in Drum this Good Friday night
Drum Bingo will host an Easter special in Drum Community Centre on Good Friday night at 8.30pm. Doors open at 8pm. Usual cash prizes to be won, plus 24 Easter Eggs to be given away on the night. Monster raffle also. Everybody welcome.
Drum Clonown Community Games
Dates for your diary:
-Swimming on Good Friday, 22nd April at 5.30pm in Athlone Regional Sports Centre.
-Athletics competitions on Sunday 15th May in Clann na nGael, Johnstown
-Roscommon county finals on 18th and 19th June
-Church gate collection on Easter weekend, 23rd ans 24th April. Please support.
Drum Cemetery Voluntary Group
There will be no work done in the cemetery on Holy Saturday, 23rd April. Sincere thanks to all who have participated and contributed to date. Please remember to remove all rubbish from the graveyard.
Waste Silage Plastic Collection
Will take place at Ballydangan Stores on Tuesday 26th April from 9am to 5pm. For further information contact FRS Network at 071-9662781 or 086-2521699.
Open Evening in Clonown N.S.
Wednesday 4th May from 7-8pm. All welcome.
Parish Pilgrimage to Medjugorje
From 25th June to 2nd July. Spiritual Director: Fr. John McManus. Group leader: Gerry Kinneavy. Cost €599. Single room supplement: €120 extra. For bookings contact 087-2249621 / 090-6492045 / 087-2936933.