Drum Mass Intentions
Saturday 21st 8pm: Paddy Mulvey, Johnstown
Sunday 22nd 10am: Kathleen Naughton, Clonellan
Wednesday 25th 7pm: Michael John & Jean Harney, Summerhill
Thursday 26th 7pm: Deceased members of the Seery family, Creggane
Friday 27th: Marriage of Orla Keenan & John Duffy
Saturday 28th 8pm: Pat & Mary Kennedy, Johnstown
Sunday 29th 10am: Aidan & Patrick Watson,
Sunday 29th 11.30am: First Holy Communion for the children of Cornafulla & Ardkeenan Schools
Clonown Mass Intentions
Sunday 22nd 11am: Willie & Tommy Ward, Curnaboll
Sunday 29th 11am: Peter & Lena Dunning
Rest in Peace
Joan O’Brien, Ballymacward, Co. Galway (member of teachiong staff of St. Joseph’s College, Cummerhill)
Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam
Drum Heritage Group
Meeting on Tuesday 24th May at 8.30pm in Drum Parish Hall. All members are requested to attend.
Clann na nGael Ladies
Fund-raising night out in Shine’s Bar, Baylough on Friday 27th May at 9.30pm. Music by Backstage plus traditional music session. Spot prizes. Tickets €5. Please support.
Spiritual Afternoon
Annual spiritual afternoon of prayer and reflection on Sunday 22nd May at 3pm in Kiltoom Parish Hall with concelebrated Mass at 5.15pm in the Church of the Risen Christ and blessing of newly installed shrine to Matt Talbot by Bishop Christopher Jones. Light refreshments afterwards. All welcome.
Diocesan In-Service
Final session of the current series of in-service evenings will be on Monday 23rd May 8-10pm in the Shamrock Lodge Hotel, Athlone. All are welcome to attend, particularly Eucharistic Ministers, Adorers, Ministers of the Word, Parents, Teachers, Parish Pastoral Council representatives and any adult interested in developing their Catholic faith.
Cake Sale for Alzheimers
In Athlone Library on Tuesday 24th May from 10am, with refreshments served and raffle. All proceeds will go towards the Alzheimer Society of Ireland. Please support this worthy cause.
Passionfruit Theatre
Presents Gerry Creen, singer/songwriter from Belfast, on Friday 27th May at 8.30pm. Bookings contact 086-3338457.
Local Food Producers
Athlone Agri Show is looking for local food producers to participate in the Made in the Midlands Food Village at this year’s show to be held on Sunday 26th June. For application forms contact info@athlonenutritionclinic.com or phone 090-6470897.
Irish Beekeepers’ Association
It is proposed to set up an Athlone branch of the association. Anyone interested should contact 090-6475493 or 086-8508140.
Bollard at church gate
The bollard at the gate of Ss. Peter & Paul’s Church has now been repaired and will be operating again from Monday 23rd May, after being out of action for over a year. Please note that parking will be reserved for Sunday, Holy Day and weekday masses, as well as for funerals and weddings. Your co-operation would be appreciated.
Ss. Peter & Paul’s Folk Group
Invite any female or male singers interested in joining the folk group to please contact 090-6494544 between 9.30am-5.30pm.
S.M.A. Pilgrimage to Knock
On Saturday 28th May 2011. Bus will leave Ss. Peter & Paul’s Church at 10am. Please contact Maura at 090-6494184 or Fr. Eamon at 087-2182775.
Donations Urgently Needed
The Midland Simon Shop on Seán Costello Street, Athlone (beside Supermac’s) urgently needs donations of unwanted gifts, clothes, shoes, handbags, bed linen and household items. Contact 090-6476577.