Drum Mass Intentions
Saturday 19th 8pm: Tomsie Murray, Gorrynagowna
Sunday 20th 10am: Gemma Henry, Clonellan
Tuesday 22nd 7pm: Mass for the faithful departed
Wednesday 23rd 7pm: Patrick Caulfield & family, Summerhill, also the Cunniffe family
Thursday 24th 7pm: Jack & Kathleen McManus, Cornafulla South
Friday 25th 7pm: Liam Naughten and deceased family members, Ardkeenan
Saturday 26th 8pm: Sister Margaret Lennon, Curryroe
Sunday 27th 10am: Thomas Naughton, Clonark
Sunday 27th 10.45am: Rosary in Drum Cemetery
Clonown Mass Intentions
Sunday 20th 11am: Louise Gavin and deceased members of the Byrne family
Sunday 27th 11am: James & Mary Egan and deceased family members, Curraghnaboll
Monksland Area Mass
Mass for Holy Souls will be held on Thursday 24th November at 8pm in Monksland Community Centre.
Rest in Peace
Kate Burnell, Newtown, Creagh, Ballinasloe (mother of Kathleen McManus, Thornhill)
Ar dheis Dé go raibh a hanam
Drum Branch Apostolic Workers
Annual coffee morning, cake sale, sale of work and mission display in Drum Parish Hall on Sunday 27th November, immediately following Rosary in cemetery at 10.45am. Please support our own missionaries at work in foreign countries.
Offertory Envelopes
Will be distributed to households in the Parish during the coming week. If you are currently not using envelopes and would like to contribute to the weekly offertory collection please contact the Parish Office at 090-6437125 (Drum) or 0906492171 (Athlone) to arrange for a box of envelopes. A word of thanks is due to all those who help each year with the distribution of envelopes. This in itself is a huge task and if you would like to help in delivering envelopes in the area that have no distributors, your help would be greatly appreciated.
Drum Active Age
Meeting on Tuesday 22nd November at 3-5pm in Drum Parish Hall. New members welcome.
Drum Heritage Group
Meeting on Wednesday 23rd November at 8.30pm in the Visitor Centre. All members requested to attend.
Drum IFA Branch AGM
Will be held on Monday 28th November at 9pm in Drum Parish Hall. All members are requested to attend.
Advent Prayer Group
“Taking our hearts to the Lord” starting on Tuesday 22nd November at 8pm in Monksland Community Centre and continuing for the three following Tuesdays.
St. Joseph’s College, Summerhill |
St. Joseph’s College, Summerhill
Open evening and enrolment for 2012 will be held on Thursday 24th November at 7pm. For further information contact Liam Nally, Principal at 090-6492383 or visit www.summerhillathlone.com
Kiltoom Drama Group
Celebrating 21 years with their production of My Wife’s Family, in Kiltoom Parish Hall from Thursday 24th to Sunday 27th November at 8pm nightly.
Thank You
The Sisters of Mercy in Athlone thank most sincerely all of you who joined them on 11th November to mark the 170th Anniversary of the death of their Foundress, Catherine McAuley. Your friendship and support is really appreciated. Míle buíochas.
Eucharistic Adoration
Please consider a weekly hour before the Blessed Sacrament. Adorers urgently needed for Monday 7am, Wednesday 2am or Saturday 2pm. Please contact Liturgical Centre, Castle Street at 090-6498755.
Public Meeting on Septic Tank Charges
Meeting on Thursday 24th November at 8pm in Mount Temple Community Centre to discuss the proposed septic tank charges.
Dysart Rural Men’s Group
Launching their 2012 Heritage Calendar in association with Roscommon Leader Partnership on Wednesday 30t November at 7pm in Dysart Community Centre. Please support. All are welcome.
Dean Kelly School Memories
Book can be purchased at Dean Kelly N.S. for €20. For further information telephone 090-6492000.
Athlone Lions Club
Public information night on Wednesday 23rd November at 8.30pm at the Sheraton Hotel, Athlone to discuss the urgent need for new volunteers to help with their Christmas Food Appeal and future projects. For further information please contact Athlone Lions Club President Michael McDonnell at 086-2621136 or e-mail vdg@lionsclubs.ie