Drum Mass Intentions
Saturday 28th 8pm: John Naughton, Drivera
Sunday 29th 10am: Mattie Redmond, Thomastown
Tuesday 1st 7pm: Michael Keogh, Cuilmore, Bealnamulla
Wednesday 2nd 7pm: Patrick & Margaret Shine, Mount Florence, Kielty
Thursday 3rd 7pm: Dan & Mary O’Connor, Kielty
Saturday 5th 8pm: May Henry, Drumlosh
Sunday 6th 10am: Patrick & Mary Naughton, Clonark
Drum Collection
Sunday 22nd April: €1,169.00.
Thank you for your weekly contributions for the upkeep of the church.
Clonown Mass Intentions
Sunday 29th 11am: Joe and Ned Roche, Togher
Friday 4th 8pm: Michael Greene
Sunday 6th 11am: Mike and Frank Gavin, Graha
Clonown Collections
Sunday 22nd April: €171.00.
Church Restoration Fund: €202.00.
Jack Adrian Dolan
Céad Míle Fáilte! Congratulations to his parents
Wedding Bells
Congratulations to Keith Beaumont and Charlene Cunningham on their recent wedding. May they be blessed with a long and happy life together.
Clonown 10K Event
The Clonown Pastoral Group and Community Site Project are pleased to announce that the third annual Clonown 10k Walk and Run will take place on Sunday 29 April 2012. Walkers will depart at 1.30pm and runners at 3pm from Clonown Community Centre. Walkers can register on the day with a donation. Full details of this year’s extended event are available on www.clonown.com or contact Paul Curley (086-3349585) or Ann Dunning (087-2261096).
Thank You
Enda McManus wishes to thank the people of the parish for their generous donations totalling €600 to Solidarity in Action, Zambia. Enda will be holding a fundraising night in Connaughton’s Bar, Clonark on Sunday 6th May, commencing at 10pm. Music, finger food, spot-prizes, etc. on the night. Please support this worthy cause. Go raibh maith agaibh.
Drum I.C.A.
Monthly meeting in Drum Community Centre on Tuesday 1st May at 8.30pm. All members please attend. Membership fees now due.
Drum/Clonown Community Games
Anyone interested in participating in Gymnastics (up to age 16 boys and girls) please send a text with the child’s name and date of birth to 086-8747605.
Micro-enterprise Grants information session
Are you a micro-enterprise business based in Co. Roscommon? Did you know you could benefit from Rural Development grant supports? Short information evening will be held to explain how your business can access these supports. Roscommon LEADER Partnership have significant funding to allocate and welcome innovative proposals linked to the rural economy. To qualify for LEADER grant aid you must be a micro enterprise with less than 10 full time employees. FREE consultancy support is available to help project promoters complete the LEADER application form. To hear more, please attend our information evening on Wednesday 2nd May in Drum Community Centre, commencing at 7.00pm (sharp) and will be completed within one hour. You can then make a one to one appointment with our LEADER team to discuss your individual circumstances. To attend, simply call Sheena, RLP on 090 6630252 or e-mail sheena2@ridc.ie to book your place. Please feel free to tell others about this event.
Roscommon I.F.A.
Public Information Meeting on Wednesday 2nd May at 9pm sharp in The Abbey Hotel, Roscommon, to deal with all Land Transfers, Capital Taxes and Stamp Duty. Guest Speakers from IFA, Sherry Fitzgerald and Permanent TSB. All welcome to attend.
Roscommon Friendly Call Service
Offers a FREE telephone call to people living alone. This is a confidential service that befriends people living in Co. Roscommon through a weekly or daily telephone call. It can help your relatives, neighbours or friends who may be living alone stay safe, secure and active. The Friendly Call Service also holds social gatherings for clients and volunteers throughout the year. To register please contact Sandra on 0906630252. This service is funded by Roscommon LEADER Partnership Co.
Cornafulla Old School Re-union
Re-union meal and celebration of Past Pupils of Cornafulla Old School (1843-1983) will be held in the Shamrock Lodge Hotel on Friday 18th May at 8pm. All past pupils welcome. Tickets €12.50. For information and tickets contact: Seamus 086-2664545, Michael 087-7690795, Paddy 087-7865232, Gerry 087-1277408 or John 086-2561932.
Confirmation and First Holy Communion 2012
A meeting for parents/guardians will be held in the Central Area of St. Aloysius’ College on Wednesday 2nd May at 7.30pm. Guest speaker: Ms. Helen Doherty, a mother and experienced counsellor who is qualified in working with young people. She is also a qualified Children’s Nurse.
Interested in becoming a Permanent Deacon?
Want to find out more? The Diocese of Elphin is now accepting enquiries from married and single men who may feel called to ministry as a permanent deacon. The four year part-time training programme will begin in October/November 2012. For further information or a conversation around the topic, please contact the Director of the Permanent Diaconate at St. Mary’s Sligo 071-9162670 or visit the Vocations section of www.elphindiocese.ie.