Newsletter – Sunday 2nd December 2012

An Chéad Domhnach den Aidbhint
First Sunday of Advent

Drum Mass Intentions
Saturday 1st 8pm: John & Margaret McManus, Johnstown
Sunday 2nd 10am: Deceased members of the Lennon Family, Clonellan
Tuesday 4th 7pm: Mary O’Neill, Summerhill
Wednesday 5th 7pm: Paddy Nicholson, Kilmacormack
Thursday 6th 7pm: Tommy Brien, Creggane
Friday 7th 8pm: Johnny Harney, Crannaghmore
Saturday 8th 10am (Holy Day): Phil Cobbe (née Bannon), Westport and formerly Newtown, Bealnamulla
Saturday 8th 8pm: Patrick & Delia Moore, Meehambee
Sunday 9th 10am: Paddy & Elizabeth Halligan, Crannaghbeg

Drum Collections
Sunday 25th November: €1,185.00.
Church Windows Fund: €406.00.
Go raibh maith agaibh as bhur síntiúis seachtainiúla do chostas cothaithe an tséipéil.

Clonown Mass Intentions
Sunday 2nd 11am: P.J. & Mossy Curley and deceased family members
Sunday 9th 11am: Ned & Catherine Shine

Clonown Collections
Sunday 25th November: €153.00.
Church Restoration Fund: €149.00.

Féile Mhuire gan Smál
Feast of the Immaculate Conception

Saturday 8th December is a holy day of obligation. Mass times:
-Drum: Vigil (Friday) 8pm, Saturday 10am.
-Clonown: Thursday 11am.
-Ss Peter & Paul’s Church: Vigil (Friday) 6.30pm, Saturday 9.30am, 12pm, 6.30pm.

Brian Alexander Corcoran
Callum Liam Murray
Céad míle fáilte! Congratulations to their parents.

Rest in Peace
Mary Flynn, Creggane, Clonown
Delia Murray, Runnymeade, Ahascragh (mother of Mary Naughten, Ardkeenan)
Mora Minogue, St. Peter Terrace, Athlone
Ar dheis Dé go raibh a n-anam

Advent Prayer Group
Meeting every Tuesday during Advent at the following times and venues:
10.15am in Tearmann Micheál, The Docks;
8pm in the Presbytery, Deerpark Road;
8pm in Monksland Community Centre;
After 7pm Mass in Drum Church (Rosary and Benediction for all the sick of the parish and those who have lost a loved one during the year).
All are welcome.

Drum I.C.A.
Monthly meeting in Drum Community Centre on Tuesday 4th December at 8.30pm. All members requested to attend.

St. Aloysius’ Bowling Night
The Parents Association are holding a Bowling night in aid of St. Aloysius’ College on Saturday 8th December at 8pm in Athlone Leisure World, Grace Road. Adult and student teams welcome. Please support.

Drum Active Age Christmas Party
Drum Community Care invite all Senior Citizens to their annual Mass and Christmas Party on Sunday 9th December commencing at 3pm in the Athlone Springs Hotel, Monksland.

Holy Hour
There will be a Holy Hour for Advent in St. Brigid’s Church, Drum on Wednesday 12th December at 8pm.

St. Vincent de Paul
Annual flag days take place on Friday 7th, Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th December. Church gate collections take place on Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th December. Please give generously. Anyone with an hour to spare can contact 090-6444041 to help out with the flag days. Thank you.

Samaritans Annual Christmas Concert
On Thursday 13th December at 8pm in St. Anthony’s Franciscan Friary, featuring Army Band, Tenor David Martin, Athlone A Cappella and Cór Scoil na gCeitre Máistrí. Compere: Ciarán Mullooly. Tickets €10 and available at the Castle Gift Shop and Cunningham’s Pharmacy. The Samaritans are a totally voluntary organisation dedicated to befriending the anxious, lonely, the despairing and the suicidal or anyone who is troubled and just needs to talk to someone in complete confidence. They are available 24 hours a day at 1850-609090.

Parish Ministry
Parish of Ss. Peter & Paul are looking for Eucharistic Ministers, Readers and Altar Servers. If you are interested or would like to nominate someone, please contact the Parish Office in Drum 090-6437125 or in Athlone 090-6492171 or call to the Sacristy.

Dates for your Diary
Confirmation and First Holy Communion 2013
St. Brigid’s Church, Drum
-Confirmation for Cornafulla and Ardkeenan schools on Tuesday 14th May at 4pm
Ss. Peter & Paul’s Church, Athlone
-Confirmation for St. Peter’s and Dean Kelly schools on Tuesday 14th May at 11am
-Confirmation for Cloonakilla, Summerhill and Clonown schools on Wednesday 15th May at 11am
-Communion for Cloonakilla N.S. on Saturday 11th May
-Communion for St. Peter’s and Dean Kelly schools on Saturday 18th May
-Communion for Summerhill N.S. on Saturday 25th May


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