Newsletter – Sunday 14th September 2014

Drum Mass Intentions
Saturday 13th 8pm: James Duffy and son Frank, Clonark
Sunday 14th 10am: Cemetery Mass (weather permitting)
Tuesday 16th 7pm: Paddy & Mary Shine and son Owen, Kielty
Wednesday 17th 7pm: Christopher Harney, Clonrulla
Thursday 18th 7pm: Mary & Patrick Gavin, Crannaghmore
Friday 19th 7pm: Frank Naughton, Doohan
Saturday 20th 10.30am: Nure/Drivera/Johnstown Station Mass in the home of Maura Hynes
Saturday 20th 8pm: Tim & Nancy Lennon, Kilmacormack
Sunday 21st 10am: John & Mary Naughton, Clonellan

Clonown Mass Intentions
Sunday 14th 11am: John, Mike & Kate Gavin, Cappaghmore
Sunday 21st 11am: Mass

Rest In Peace
Tom Naughton, Johnstown
Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam.

Cian Patrick Lennon
Céad Míle Fáilte! Congratulations to his parents.

Cemetery Sunday
Drum: Sunday 14th September at 10am (weather permitting)

Diary Dates – Confirmation 2015
Monday 27th April 2015 in Ss. Peter & Paul’s Church, Athlone.
Tuesday 28th April 2015 in St. Brigid’s Church, Drum.

Crochet Classes
Commencing Monday 15th September (7-9pm) and Tuesday 16th September (10.30am-12.30pm) in Drum Parish Hall. Beginners and advanced, experienced tutor, small classes for 6 weeks, €75. To book a place please contact Anne Marie Griffin at 086-8053467, or email

Hospice Coffee Morning
Coffee morning in aid of local hospice/palliative care service will take place in Drum Community Centre on Thursday 18th September from 9am–1pm. Your support would be greatly appreciated. Organised by Drum I.C.A.

Drum Foróige
Youth Club will resume on Friday 19th September from 8–10pm in Drum Parish Hall. All young people between 12–18 years old are most welcome. Any adults over 18 who would like to help out with the youth club can contact Joe Kelly at 087-2218656.


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