Newsletter – Sunday 23rd November 2014

Drum Mass Intentions
Saturday 22nd 8pm: Sr. Margaret Lennon, Dún Mhuire and Curryroe
Sunday 23rd 10am: Thomás Naughton, parents Patrick & Mary, Clonark
Tuesday 25th 7pm: Adrian, Denis and Mary Dolan, Curraghaleen
Thursday 27th 7pm: Mass for the Faithful Departed
Friday 28th 7pm: Private Intentions
Saturday 29th 8pm: Pat & Annie Cunniffe, Thomastown
Sunday 30th 10am: Francis Watson, late of Ardkeenan
Sunday 30th 10.45am: Rosary in the Cemetery

Clonown Mass Intentions
Sunday 16th 11am: Bridget Flynn and deceased members of the Shine family
Sunday 23rd 11am: Louise Gavin and deceased members of the Byrne family
Sunday 23rd 11.45am: Rosary in Clonown Cemetery

Isabella May Flynn Kelly
Daniel John Lennon
Céad míle fáilte! Congratulations to their parents.

‘Wake in the West’
Moore & Clonfad Drama Society present the hilarious three act comedy ‘Wake in the West’ by Michael J. Ginnelly in Moore Community Hall on Friday 28th, Saturday 29th & Sunday 30th November at 8pm in aid of ‘Join Our Boys Trust’.

Samaritans Christmas Concert
The Samaritans 23rd Annual Christmas Concert will be held in the Franciscan Friary Church, Athlone on Thursday, 11th December at 8pm. It will feature the Army Band, Baritone Simon Casey, Moate Community School, Athlone Pipe Band and the Compere on the night will be RTÉ’s Cathal Murray. Tickets €12 available at Franciscan Friary, Castle Gift Shop, Cunninghams Chemists and Midland Sound Equipment. The Samaritans are available 24 hours a day on freephone 116 123 for anyone who is troubled, despairing or just needs to talk to someone in confidence. They can also email

Drum Remembrance Christmas Tree
A Christmas tree will be put in place in Drum Cemetery to remember all the deceased buried in our local graveyard. Ribbons will be placed on the tree on Sunday 7th December after the 10am mass. Ribbons cost €2 each and will be on sale after the weekend masses in Drum Church and from Drum Parish Office from the 17th November until the 7th December. A family in the parish is responsible for this fundraiser and all proceeds will be donated to Drum Cemetery Voluntary Group for the upkeep of the graveyard.

Chalice Programme
The programme will commence in the parish on Friday 28th November. If interested in taking part, please contact the parish office in Athlone 090-6492171 or Drum 090-6437125 for more details.

November Novena
Novena of Masses for the Souls of the Faithful Departed, especially those who have died in the past year, will be held throughout the month of November in Ss. Peter & Paul’s Church. Mass at 7.30pm daily on the 24th, 25th, 26th, 27th, 28th November, and concluding with 11am Mass on Saturday 29th November.


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