(English) Newsletter – Sunday 8th June

Níl an leathanach seo ar fáil as Gaeilge, ach tá sé ar fáil as English. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

Drum Mass Intentions
Saturday 7th 8pm: Patrick & Molly Kenny, Johnstown
Sunday 8th 10am: Anthony Whyte, Thomastown
Wednesday 11th 7pm: Edward & Bridget McManus, Nure & deceased family members
Thursday 12th 10am: John Dolan
Friday 13th 7pm: Mary Frances (Months Mind)
Saturday 14th 8pm: Tommy O’Brien, Creggane
Sunday 15th 10am: Kathleen Henry, Johnstown

Clonown Mass intentions
Sunday 8th 11am: Michael Greene
Sunday 15th 11am: Peg & Bill Fallon, Newtown

Ss. Peter & Paul’s Parish Forum/Pasotral Council
Next meeting will be held in the Emmaus Room on Tuesday 10th June at 8.15pm. All members requested to attend.

Donations of oddments of knitting wool, also knitting needles, for fund-raising for the poor in Mission areas would be deeply appreciated and collected, also donations of First Communion dresses that are no longer in use. Tel: 087-9658782

Gymnastics Summer Camp
Athlone Gymnastics Club summer camps will be held weekly from Monday 30th June to Friday 25th July. For further details contact Breda at 087-9188993

Parish One-day Pilgrimage to Ballintober Abbey, Mayo
will take place on Thursday, 26th June, including tea/coffee on arrival, guided tour & history of Abbey, guided prayer and reflection followed by Mass. Departs from Ss. Peter & Paul’s Church at 9am, and departs from Abbey at 4.30pm. Cost €30. For bookings contact Tony Larkin at 090-6421572 or 085-7392473, Mary Menton at 6498774 or Parish Office at 6492171.


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