(English) Newsletter – Sunday 29th March 2009

Níl an leathanach seo ar fáil as Gaeilge, ach tá sé ar fáil as English. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

Drum Mass Intentions
Saturday 28th 8pm: Mike and Bridie Naughton, Culfada
Sunday 29th 10am: Mary Ellen Whyte
Monday 30th 7pm: Brian Devine
Tuesday 31st 7pm: John Duffy, Clonark
Wednesday 1st 7pm: Kathleen Merrigan, Clonark
Thursday 2nd 7pm: Catherine Higgins, Curryroe
Friday 3rd 7pm: Andy Kenny & deceased family members, Rooskey
Friday 3rd 8pm: Clonellan Station Mass: Mary & Kevin O’Neill
Saturday 4th 10.30am: Crannaghmore Station Mass: Michael & Ann Glynn
Saturday 4th: Marraige of Clodagh Harney & Darren Richie
Saturday 4th 8pm: Lena Murray
Sunday 5th 10am: Joe Lennon, Ardkeenan

Clonown Mass Intentions
Sunday 29th 11am: John & Ellen Shine
Friday 3rd: P.J. & Mossey Curley and Jamesie Cunniffe
Sunday 4th 11am: Pat Hynes (Month’s mind)

Rest In Peace
Martin Ryan, Summerhill
May he rest in peace

Tax Relief Forms
We appreciate sincerely all who have returned their completed forms so far and ask that any remaining forms be returned to the Drum Parish Office as soon as possible. Thank You.

Roscommon Back To Education Initiative
Certified Course – Information night in Monksland Community Centre on Thursday, 2nd April at 7.45pm. For further information contact 085-1196701.

Féile Ceoil na Scoileanna
The 44th Féile will take place in the Dean Crowe Theatre from Monday 30th March to Thursday 2nd April. The Féile will begin each night at 7pm. Matinee on Wednesday morning starting at 10.30am. All are welcome.

Volunteers for Irish Kidney Association
Athlone branch are seeking volunteers to give 1 or 2 hours of their time during 31st March to 3rd April. For further information please contact Paul 090-6493016 or Breda 090-6492046. Your help would be greatly appreciated.

Multiple Sclerosis Church Gate Collection
Will take place on Saturday 4th and Sunday 5th April at Drum & Clonown Churches. Please support this worthy cause.

Passionfruit Theatre presents ‘No Crows’
Acoustic/folk/classical quartet including Steve Wickham of the Waterboys on Saturday 11th April at 8.30pm. Tickets €20. Telephone 086-3338457 or visit http://www.passionfruittheatre.com/


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