(English) Newsletter – Sunday 26th July 2009

Níl an leathanach seo ar fáil as Gaeilge, ach tá sé ar fáil as English. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

Drum Mass Intentions
Saturday 25th 8pm: Paul Delaney, Westwood
Sunday 26th 10am: Patrick Higgins, Curryroe
Tuesday 28th 7pm: Mary Ellen Duffy, Clonark
Friday 31st 7pm: Paddy Murray, Curraghaleen
Saturday 1st 8pm: Paddy Mulvey
Sunday 2nd 10am: Lily Devine

Clonown Mass Intentions
Sunday 26th 11am: John, Kate & Michael Gavin, Cappamore
Sunday 2nd 11am: Patrick Dunning, Ballinaculla

Rest In Peace
Kathleen Kelly (nee Keogh) formerly of Cuilfada (who died in Boston last week)
May she rest in peace

Thank You
A big Thank You to the people of Drum who completed and returned tax relief forms under the rebate Scheme to our Drum Office. We received a cheque for almost €45,000 from the Revenue Commissioners.

Thank You
Lourdes Invalid Fund Committee would like to thank most sincerely all those who contributed to their recent church gate collection. The total amount collected was €3134.

Cemetery Sunday
In Cornamagh on Sunday 9th August at 4pm and in Coosan on Sunday 16th August at 4pm.

Fresh Start Training Programme
Enrol now for the next Fresh Start Training Programme if you are unemployed or registered with a disability (including non-nationals) – commencing soon in Athlone. This is a 12 mth, Fás-approved course delivering I.T., Personal Development, Creative Arts, Work Experience etc. with full training allowance. Talk to Martin at 090-6441260

Elphin Diocesan Pilgrimage to Knock Shrine
Will take place on Sunday 16th August 2009.

Rural Community Transport
Drum/Clonown bus return service every Friday to Athlone – Bus operator: Willie Moore. Return fare €4, students €2, O.A.P. and children under 7 travel free. We encourage people to avail of this service. See schedule on notice board in Church or in your local shop. Starting point Drum Church at 10 a.m. and continues around the parish, last point is Doogue at 10.55 a.m. and return trip leaves Golden Island at 1.30 p.m. For more info contact WRCTA at 6448670, e-mail
swrta@eircom.net or view the full timetable on www.drum.ie

Ss. Peter & Paul’s Church Maintenance Fund
Tickets on sale for two monster draws with prize fund of €200,000. Tickets €50 per draw and are available from the Parish Office, Sacristy or Drum Parish Office. If you have family living away from home they may consider purchasing a ticket for the above draw.


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