(English) Newsletter – Sunday 6th March 2011

Níl an leathanach seo ar fáil as Gaeilge, ach tá sé ar fáil as English. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

Céadaoin an Luaithrigh agus an Carghas
Ash Wednesday and Lent

Drum Mass Intentions
Saturday 5th 8pm: Margaret Macken, Creggane
Sunday 6th 10am: Thomas & Mary Ann Harney, Doohan
Tuesday 8th 7pm: Patricia Moore, Meehambee
Tuesday 8th 7.30pm: First Confession for Cornafulla N.S. & Ardkeenan N.S.
Wednesday 9th 7pm: Ash Wednesday: Mass for the people of the parish
Thursday 10th 7pm: Kathleen Greene, Doohan
Friday 11th 7pm: Christy Nolan, Doohan
Friday 11th 8pm: Taylorstown Station Mass in the home of Eddie & Helen Hyland
Saturday 12th 11am: Thomastown Station Mass in the home of Liam & Jacinta Connaughton
Saturday 12th 8pm: Phoebe & John Duignan, Doohan
Sunday 13th 10am: Pakie & Michael Harney, Clonrulla

Clonown Mass Intentions
Sunday 6th 11am: Bridie & Martin Shine, Drumlosh
Wednesday 9th 8pm: Johnny & Nora Halligan
Sunday 13th 11am: Mass

Ash Wednesday and Lent
The season of Lent begins this Wednesday 9th March. It is a special period of preparation for our celebration of Easter. Ash Wednesday is a day of fast and abstinence. Ashes will be distributed during all masses on Wednesday.

Trócaire Lenten Campaign
Envelopes containing Trócaire Fast Boxes are available at the back of the churches from Ash Wednesday. Every home is asked to bring one and support Trócaire in helping people to make a living so that they can escape poverty.

Roscommon Community Tourism Network
Is holding a roadshow to promote and advertise its services to the community tourism sector within county Roscommon. Anyone involved in tourism is invited to find out more by attending the roadshow at Monksland Community Centre on Monday 7th March at 8pm.

Parish Bingo
There is no bingo this Sunday night 6th March due to the musical being held in the Dean Crowe Theatre and also sue to St. Mary’s Hall not being available.

Barn Dancing Classes
Every Thursday night at 8pm in Drum Community Centre. For further details contact Michael at 090-6494425 (evenings).

Athlone Community Radio 88.4FM
Interview with Fr. Brian Allen OFM of the Friary this Sunday 6th March (Part 1) and next Sunday 13th March (Part 2) at 3pm.

Lenten Prayer Group
Every Wednesday during Lent in Monksland Community Centre beginning on Ash Wednesday 9th March at 8pm. For further information contact the Parish Office at 090-6492171.

Athlone Musical Society
Presents West Side Story in Dean Crowe Theatre from Saturday 5th to Saturday 12th March. Tickets €18 and €10 for students/OAPs. For bookings call 090-6492129 or 086-0279110. More details on www.athlonemusicalsociety.com

Seachtain na Gaeilge

Drum Community Centre invites you to join them for a ‘cupán tae’ to celebrate Seachtain na Gaeilge on Sunday, 13 March from 10.30am to 1pm. Also includes art display from the children of Naíonra Réalta Geala. Regardless of how much or little Irish you have, you are invited to come along and speak a cúpla focal, have a bit of fun and enjoy a cupán tae. Further details are available on the Drum website at www.drum.ie.
Tá Ionad Pobail an Droma ag tabhairt cuireadh duit ‘cupán tae’ a bheith agat leo chun ‘Seachtain na Gaeilge’ a cheiliúradh ar an Domhnach, 13 Márta óna 10.30am go 1pm. Beidh taispeántas den saothar ealaíne ag na bpáistí ó Naíonra Réalta Geala. Is cuma an bhfuil tú líofa sa teanga nó nach bhfuil, tugtar cuireadh duit teacht agus cúpla focal a labhairt, píosa spraoi a bheith agat agus taitneamh a bhaint as cupán tae nó caife. Tá gach eolas ar fáil ar shuíomh idirlín an Droma ag www.drum.ie.


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