(English) Newsletter – Sunday 18th December 2011

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An Ceathrú Domhnach den Aidbhint
Fourth Sunday of Advent

Drum Mass Intentions
Saturday 17th 8pm: Patrick & Delia Moore, Meehanbee
Sunday 18th 10am: Thomas & Elizabeth Lennon, Creggane
Monday 19th 7.30pm: Penitential Rite in Ss. Peter & Paul’s Church
Tuesday 20th 7pm: Tommy & Kathleen Lennon, Clonbullia
Wednesday 21st 7pm: Paddy Nicholson, Lisdillure
Thursday 22nd 7pm: Eileen Murray, Crannagh
Friday 23rd 7pm: Martin & Nancy Mulvey, Johnstown
Saturday 24th 9pm: Christmas Eve – Vigil Mass – People of the parish
Sunday 25th 10am: Christmas Day Mass – People of the parish
Sunday 25th 11.30am: Christmas Day Mass – People of the parish

Clonown Mass Intentions
Sunday 18th 11am: John Dunning and his parents Michael & Delia, The Park
Saturday 24th 9pm: Christmas Eve – Vigil Mass
Sunday 25th 11am: Christmas Day – Johnny Shine

Rest in Peace
Johnny Dunne, Carrickobrien (brother of Kathleen Redrobe and Eleanor Foley)
Maurice McManus, Longford and late of Cornafulla South (uncle of Mary Keogh, Cornafulla South)
Ar dheis Dé go raibh a n-anam.

Coffee morning
Drum Art Group are holding a cake sale and art exhibition in Drum Parish Hall on Sunday 18th December from 10am–1pm. Proceeds in aid of local charity. All are welcome. Please support.

Cornafulla Christmas Fair
Cornafulla N.S. are holding their annual Christmas Fair in the school on Tuesday 20th December from 10am–1pm. Please support. All are welcome.

Ardkeenan Christmas Play
Ardkeenan N.S. are holding their annual Christmas Play in Drum Parish Hall on Wednesday 21st December starting at 6.30pm. Please support. All welcome.

Christmas Bingo in Drum
On Friday 23rd December at 8.30pm in Drum Community Centre. Extra prizes to be won on the night. Raffle with hampers and other prizes to be won. Doors open at 8pm, game starts at 8.30pm.

Volunteers needed for Drum Bingo
We urgently need new volunteers to assist with running bingo on Friday nights. Even if you can only give half an hour each week, or one night per month, please do get involved. If you’re interested, please come along to Drum Community Centre any Friday night during bingo (8.30-10.30pm) or see www.drum.ie/volunteer

St. Vincent de Paul
Annual church gate collection takes place at Drum Church on Saturday 17th and Sunday 18th December. Please give generously.

Penitential Rite
Including confessions in preparation for Christmas on Monday 19th December at 7.30pm in Ss. Peter & Paul’s Church. A number of priests will be available for confessions. Please make a special effort to attend.

Christmas Envelopes and Parish Calendars
Will be distributed early next week by your local area distributor/collector. We would like to thank most sincerely all our parish collectors for all their help throughout the year and wish wish them and their families a very happy Christmas and peaceful new year.

Buccaneers Annual Tractor Run
On St. Stephens Day, assembling 10.30am onwards at Dubarry Park at the Bounty, Athlone, departing 12pm sharp until 2.30pm. Entry fee: €20 per tractor. Fun Day for the family – all welcome. To book: contact 086-1732711 or rugby@dubarrypark.com

Church Maintenance Fund
The parish wish to gratefully acknowledge an anonymous donation of €2,000 towards our Church Maintenance Fund. Go raibh míle maith agat.

Clonark Garda Station
Station now open with the following opening hours:
Monday-Friday: 10am-11.30am and 2.30pm-4pm.
Saturday & Sunday: 2pm-4pm.
When the station is closed, contact can be made with the Gardaí on patrol via mobile 086-6068819 or 090-6437102.

Eucharistic Adoration
Please consider a weekly hour before the Blessed Sacrament. Adorers urgently needed for Monday 7am, Tuesday 12pm midday, Friday 4pm. Please contact Liturgical Centre, Castle Street, Athlone: 090-6498755.

Youth Café open in Athlone
Calling all teenagers! A new youth café is now open in Gateway Project, St. Mary’s Hall, Northgate Street, Athlone. Come along and see what it’s all about. Thursdays 5-7pm for 10-12 years old. Friday 5-7pm for 1st/2nd/3rd years. Friday 7.30-9pm for TY/4th/5th/6th years. Admission €2. Opportunity to relax with friends, play pool, play Wii/Xbox and receive educational support if needed. Telephone 086-0279149 or call in for more information.

Athlone Joint Parish Bingo
Christmas bingo with spot prizes on Sunday 18th December in the Dean Crowe Theatre and St. Mary’s N.S. (Fair Green) staring at 8pm.
No bingo on Sunday 25th December (Christmas Day).
Afternoon bingo starting at 3.30pm on Sunday 1st January 2012 (New Year’s Day).


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