(English) Newsletter – Sunday 1st January 2012

Níl an leathanach seo ar fáil as Gaeilge, ach tá sé ar fáil as English. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

Drum Mass Intentions
Saturday 31st 8pm: Patrick & Mary Lennon, Ardkeenan
Sunday 1st 10am: Tommy McDonnell, Clonark
Tuesday 3rd 7pm: PJ & Eileen McEvilly, Johnstown
Thursday 5th 8pm: Tom, Lil & Jim Hynes, Drumlosh
Friday 6th 10am: Breege Shine, Rooskey
Saturday 7th 10am: Michael Grenham, Doohan
Saturday 7th 8pm: Colm Kennedy, Clonark
Sunday 8th 10am: Tom & Mary Grenham, Gorrynagowna

Clonown Mass Intentions
Sunday 1st 11am: Johnny & Nora Halligan
Sunday 8th 11am: Tom Lennon, Oldtown

Rest in Peace
Dan Leamy, Nenagh, Co. Tipperary (brother of Mary Keegan, Clongowna, Bealnamulla)
Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam.

An Eipeafáine / Nollaig na mBan
Feast of the Epiphany

Friday 6th January is a holy day of obligation. Masses:
Drum – Thursday 8pm, Friday 10am
Ss. Peter & Paul’s Church – Thursday 6.30pm, Friday 9.30am, 12pm, 6.30pm.

Happy New Year
The priests of the parish wish you and your families every blessing for the new year.

Wedding Bells
Congratulations to Imelda Watson and Gavin McGrath on their recent wedding. May they be blessed with a long and happy life together.

Drum Bingo
Resumes on Friday 6th January at 8.30pm in Drum Community Centre. We urgently need new volunteers to assist with running bingo – please come along any Friday night during bingo (8.30-10.30pm) or see www.drum.ie/volunteer

Athlone Joint Parish Bingo
Afternoon bingo on this Sunday 1st January 2012 (New Year’s Day) starting at 3.30pm in the Dean Crowe Theatre and St. Mary’s NS (Fair Green).

Treasure Island – The Pantomime
At the Dean Crowe Theatre from Thursday 12th to Sunday 15th January. Tickets available on-line at www.deancrowetheatre.com or from the booking office 090-6492129.

St. Angela’s College, Sligo
Tasters in Theology Programme 2012 (modules open to the public) in association with the Diocese of Elphin. ‘An Introduction to the person and writings of St. Paul’ with Mary O’Brien, PBVM of St. Patrick’s College Thurles. This public module runs for three weekends over Friday (7.30 pm – 10 pm) and Saturday (10 am – 4 pm) on 13th/14th January, 27th/28th January and 10th/11th February 2012. Venue: St. Angela’s College, Lough Gill, Sligo. Cost: €60 including Catering. For further information & booking contact Ms Mary Kearns, St. Angela’s College, tel: 071-9195550 or email: permanentdiaconate@stangelas.nuigalway.ie


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