(English) Clann na nGael Notes

Níl an leathanach seo ar fáil as Gaeilge, ach tá sé ar fáil as English. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

Calling all under-age players
All under-age players are asked to attend a registration morning in Johnstown next Sunday morning, March 25th, at 11.00am. All under-age players should attend whether they have registered last year or not. This is most important so please attend.

Under 12 Training/Coaching
Clann na nGael under 12 training/coaching will commence on Tuesday 3rd April 2012 in Johnstown at 6.30pm and will continue on subsequent Tuesday evenings at the same time. All players born on or after the 1st January 2000 are eligible. All welcome.

Feile Peil na nÓg
Clann na nGael Féile first round match is against St Faithleach’s this Wednesday 28th March at 7.30pm in Johnstown.

Scéim Deontais don Ghaeltacht 2012
As part of our promotion of the Irish language, Cumann Lúthchleas Gael, Ros Comáin are offering a number of grants to students who wish to improve their knowledge of the Irish language. Applications are invited from full time secondary school students in county Roscommon. Each grant is worth €200. Successful candidates from 2010 and 2011 may not take part in this competition. Students are to apply with a short essay as Gaeilge (300 words) entitled: “Páirc an Chrócaigh – an sean is an nua” plus an application form which can be downloaded from the CLG Ros Comáin website or by clicking here. Completed applications should be forwarded to Tomás Ó Muirí, Oifigeach Cultúr agus Gaeilge, Roscommon County Board Office, 5 Castle View, Castle Street, Roscommon on or before Friday 19th April 2012, or via e-mail at irishculturalofficer.roscommon@gaa.ie Applications after this date will not be accepted.

Clár Cluichí
Saturday 24 March
Corrib Oil League Division 1: Pádraig Pearses V Clann na nGael at 4:30pm in Pairc an Phiarsaigh
Sunday 1 April
Corrib Oil League Division 1: Elphin V Clann na nGael at 2:00pm in Orchard Park, Elphin


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