(English) Newsletter – Sunday 2nd September 2012

Níl an leathanach seo ar fáil as Gaeilge, ach tá sé ar fáil as English. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

Drum Mass Intentions
Saturday 1st 8pm: Maura Henry, Mount Florence
Sunday 2nd 10am: John & Annie Lennon, Creggane
Tuesday 4th 7pm: Special Intention
Wednesday 5th 7pm: Peter Harney, Rooskey
Thursday 6th 7pm: Tom Griffin, Rooskey
Saturday 8th 10.30am: Kathleen Nicholson, Cornafulla South (Month’s Mind)
Saturday 8th 8pm: Tony Duignan and deceased family members, Clonbulia
Sunday 9th 10am: Deceased of the Parish (Mass will be held in the cemetery, weather permitting)

Drum Collection
Sunday 26th August: €1,018.64.
Go raibh maith agaibh as bhur síntiúis seachtainiúla do chostas cothaithe an tséipéil.

Clonown Mass Intentions
Sunday 2nd 11am: Pat & Margaret Hynes, Togher
Friday 7th 8pm: Paddy & Bridie Egan, Cunny
Sunday 9th 11am: Paddy Dunning, Ballinaculla

Rest in Peace
Michael O’Loughlin, Rockfield
Maura Smith, Clonark and late of Kilmacoo, Athlone
Moira Kenny-Kerins, Four Mile House, Roscommon (sister-in-law of Helen Kerins and Gerard Macken, Lisdillure)
Annie Mitchel, Derrylissane, Menlough, Co. Galway (mother of Nora Seery, Clonellan)
Ar dheis Dé go raibh a n-anam.

Reilig an Droma – Drum Cemetery

Cemetery Sunday
Drum Cemetery: Sunday 9th September at 10am (weather permitting).

Kevin Luke Timlin
Céad míle fáilte! Congratulations to his parents.

Drum Art Group
Will be recommencing on Monday 10th September at the usual time of 10.30am in Drum Parish Hall. New members most welcome.

Autumn Stations
Anyone who would like to host the stations in their home this autumn is asked to contact Drum Parish Office at 6437125 to arrange a date. This is a lovely tradition which has been passed down through generations in our parish but would seem to be in decline in recent times. Perhaps you would consider hosting the station mass for your area to ensure the tradition continues for another generation.

Samaritans – Volunteers
Have you 3 hours per week to spare? Athlone Midlands Samaritans are holding an information evening for prospective new volunteers in Shamrock Lodge Hotel at 8pm on Thursday 6th and Tuesday 11th September. For further information contact athlonesamsvolunteering@gmail.com

Parkinson’s Association
A local branch of the Parkinson’s Association has been set up in County Roscommon to provide information and support for Parkinson’s patients, their families, friends and carers. The first open meeting of the association takes place on Wednesday 12th September in Hannon’s Hotel, Athlone Road, Roscommon at 7.30pm. Guest speaker will be the Parkinson’s Disease Specialist Nurse for the West of Ireland, Patrick Browne. All are welcome or for more information contact Anita on 087-6239139.

County Roscommon Primary Health Programme for the Traveller Community
An information morning will be held in Roscommon LEADER Partnership Offices, Roscommon Business Park on Monday 10th September at 10am.

Roscommon VEC Adult Education Service
Are your thinking of a return to education? If you would like to improve your skills in communications, maths or computers, courses be held in Involve Centre, Monksland Business Park on Thursday 6th September 6–8pm, and Friday 7th September 11am–1pm. Courses are at FETAC Levels 1-3.

Help Needed!
Basket collectors needed for Saturday evening and Sunday morning masses in Drum. There is a monthly rota in place but we do not yet have anyone for September, October, November or January. Thanks to those who have already volunteered and a warm welcome to anyone else who is interested. Please contact Fr. Michael or Drum Parish Office 090-6437125.


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