(English) Newsletter – Sunday 23rd December 2012

Níl an leathanach seo ar fáil as Gaeilge, ach tá sé ar fáil as English. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

An Ceathrú Domhnach den Aidbhint
Fourth Sunday of Advent

Lá Nollag – Christmas Day

Lá Fhéile Stiofáin – St. Stephen’s Day

Drum Mass Intentions
Saturday 22nd 8pm: John & Kitty Keena and deceased members of Keena family, Cornafulla
Sunday 23rd 10am: Tommy Harney, Curraghaleen
Monday 24th 9pm: Christmas Eve – Vigil Mass – People of the parish
Tuesday 25th 10am: Christmas Day Mass – People of the parish
Wednesday 25th 11.30am: Christmas Day Mass – People of the parish
Saturday 29th 8pm: P.J. & Eileen McEvilly, Johnstown
Sunday 30th 10am: Patrick & Mary Lennon, Ardkeenan

Drum Collections
Sunday 16th December: €904.00.
Church Windows Fund: €265.00.
Fr. Michael wishes to acknowledge an anonymous donation of €50, and a donation of €200 from a local family towards the repair of the church windows.
Go raibh maith agaibh as bhur síntiúis seachtainiúla do chostas cothaithe an tséipéil.

Clonown Mass Intentions
Sunday 23rd 11am: Margaret Shine, Drumlosh
Monday 24th 8pm: Christmas Eve – Vigil Mass – Mary Flynn (Month’s Mind)
Tuesday 25th 11am: Christmas Day – Johnny Shinem Curraghnaboll
Sunday 30th 11am: Mass

Clonown Collections
Sunday 16th December: €228.00.
Church Restoration Fund: Donated to Society of St. Vincent de Paul

Rest in Peace
Michael Lyons, Lisbrock, Brideswell and late of Curraghnaboll, Clonown
Catherine Nugent (née Shine), Dublin and late of Kielty House
Tony Downey, Ashford, Monksland
Ar dheis Dé go raibh a n-anam.

Nollaig Shona
The priests of the parish wish you and your families every blessing for Christmas and the new year.

Drum Parish Office
The office will be closed from the Monday 24th December and will reopen on the Wednesday 2nd January 2013.

Thank You
Drum Cemetery Voluntary Group received €612 from the Cornafulla School Reunion Group and wish to thank them for their generous donation.

Clann na nGael
The annual ‘Married’ V ‘Singles’ charity match takes place on St Stephen’s day in Johnstown at 2pm. All proceeds will go towards Drum Community Care.


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