Drum Mass Intentions
Saturday 13th 8pm: Kathleen Nicholson, Cornafulla South
Sunday 14th 10am: Michael McManus, Clonark
Saturday 20th 8pm: Mary McManus, Drumlosh
Sunday 21st 10am: Bernard & Bridget Tully, Johnstown
Clonown Mass Intentions
Sunday 14th 11am: Jimmy & Maureen Dunning, Togher
Sunday 21st 11am: P.J. Ward, late of Baylough who died in Wales
Rest In Peace
Bridie Kelly (née Connaughton), Boston and formerly of Clonark (sister of Willie Connaughton, Clonark)
Clonown Cemetery Map
There has been a very good response to the request for information on unidentified graves in Clonown graveyard. A map of the graveyard is on display in the porch in Clonown church until Tuesday 16th July so anybody with information about errors or omissions should contact 090-6437143 or email clonownnews@gmail.com as soon as possible. Further details on www.clonown.com.
Fr. John’s Farewell Monksland Area Mass
Thursday 18th July at 8pm in Monksland Community Centre. All are welcome to Fr. John McManus’ farewell Mass, before he leaves the parish to take up his new ministry as Parish Priest in Ballyleague later in the month.
Go raibh maith agat
Thank you to all those who supported the recent church gate collection for Elphin Diocese Lourdes Assisted Pilgrims Fund. A total of €1,663.70 was raised between the three churches – Ss. Peter & Paul’s €1133.70, Drum €370, Clonown €160. Your generosity is greatly appreciated.
Drum Heritage Group
Annual coach tour to Enniskillen on Sunday 28th July. More details next week.
The Priests in concert
Gala concert in Ss. Peter & Paul’s Church, Athlone on Friday 20th September. Tickets €25. Further details to follow and updates available on Facebook page.
Football for fun
Ladies, want to have some fun while exercising? Why not join us Wednesdays at 8.30pm at Clann na nGael in Johnstown for fun, craic and some football. No previous experience necessary! Applicable to all ladies over 18 years of age.
Drum parent and toddler group
Every Tuesday at 10am in Drum Parish Hall. All welcome.