(English) Newsletter – Sunday 8th September 2013

Níl an leathanach seo ar fáil as Gaeilge, ach tá sé ar fáil as English. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

Drum Mass Intentions
Saturday 7th 8pm: Peter Harney, Rooskey
Sunday 8th 10am: Deceased of the Parish (Mass will be held in the cemetery, weather permitting)
Tuesday 10th 7pm: Bridie Kelly (nee Connaughton), Boston and Clonark
Thursday 12th 7pm: Jimmy Lennon, Summerhill
Friday 13th 7pm: Maura Smith, Clonark
Saturday 14th 8pm: Tony & Mary Duignan and deceased family members, Clonbulia
Sunday 15th 10am: Danny & Phyllis Dolan, Newtown

Clonown Mass Intentions
Sunday 8th 11am: Paddy Dunning, Ballinaculla
Sunday 15th 11am: John, Kate & Mike Gavin, Cappamore

Marathons4Muireann – Thank You
Declan O’Flaherty wishes to extend a sincere thank you to all the participants who took part in the run last Saturday. It was a huge success and raised over €10k in total! A special word of thanks to all the stewards and organisers, the local farmers and the entire community for supporting the event and making it run smoothly. Thanks also to Connaughton’s of Clonark for donating the proceeds of their festival, and to Fr. Michael for all his assistance and encouragement.

Drum Heritage Group Meeting
Thursday 12th September at 8.30pm in the heritage centre. All members requested to attend.

Drum Foróige Club
Youth club will resume on Friday 13th September from 8–10pm in Drum Parish Hall. All young people between 12–18 years are most welcome. Any adults who would like to help out with the youth club can contact Joe Kelly at 087-2218656.

Epilepsy Ireland
Annual church gate collection will be held at Drum and Clonown churches on Saturday 14th and Sunday 15th September. Your support will be greatly appreciated.

The Priests in concert
Gala concert in Ss. Peter & Paul’s Church, Athlone on Friday 20th September with guest artist, Athlone soprano Bread O’Connor. Tickets €25 are now available at the Parish Office 090-6492171 or 086-0525661 or the Sacristy 090-6494150 or any member of the committee. Proceeds in aid of the Church Restoration Fund. Further details and updates available on the Facebook page.


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