An Ceathrú Domhnach den Aidbhint
Fourth Sunday of Advent
Lá Nollag – Christmas Day
Lá Fhéile Stiofáin – St. Stephen’s Day
Drum Mass Intentions
Saturday 21st 8pm: Elizabeth Naughton, Clonark
Sunday 22nd 10am: Paddy & Elizabeth Halligan, Crannaghbeg
Tuesday 24th 9pm: Christmas Eve – Vigil Mass – People of the parish
Wednesday 25th 10am: Christmas Day Mass – People of the parish
Wednesday 25th 11.30am: Christmas Day Mass – People of the parish
Friday 27th 11am: Tommy Harney, Curraghaleen
Saturday 28th 8pm: James Greene, Doohan
Sunday 29th 10am: Tom & Mary Hynes and deceased family members, Johnstown
Clonown Mass Intentions
Sunday 22nd 11am: Margaret Shine, Drumlosh
Tuesday 24th 8pm: Christmas Eve – Vigil Mass
Wednesday 25th 11am: Christmas Day – Johnny Shine, Curraghnaboll
Sunday 29th 11am: John Dunning and his parents Michael & Delia, The Park
Rest in Peace
James Carty, Dysart (brother of Mary Grenham, Clonellan)
Kathleen Reilly, Mitchell’s Terrace (mother of James Reilly, Ardkeenan)
Chris Duffy, Cork and formerly of Crancam, Drum
Ar dheis Dé go raibh a n-anam.
Nollaig Shona
The priests of the parish would like to wish all their parishioners a very happy Christmas and a peaceful new year.
Drum Parish Office
The office will be closed from 12pm on Monday 23rd December until 9.30am on Thursday 2nd January 2014.
Senior Help Line
Ireland’s only confidential listening service for older people provided by older people is open 365 days of the year. The help line is open every day over the Christmas and New Year holiday season from 10am-10pm. Don;t be alone – we are there. LoCall 1850-440-444 (call cost is no more than 30 cent).
Athlone Credit Union AGM
Monday 30th December at 8pm in the Radisson Hotel, Northgate Street.